Rhys I like Languages, Maps, 3d Modelling, Education and Travel! Stick around if you'd like to see stuff about that!

Listening Quiz for ESL Students (Minimal Pairs)

Listening Quiz for ESL Students (Minimal Pairs)

This project is designed to help learners distinguish words that may sound similar. For example: “right” and “light”, “walk” and “woke”

While in Japan, I wanted to help students understand listening to distinguish sounds before trying to make them. If the learner is able to hear and distinguish 100% of the words in each set, the next step would be to work on pronouncing the differences. That may be a future project to work on!

It was fun to use in class and I’m happy to share it here 😁

Try it here: https://github.com/rhysmcg/Minimal-Pair-Quiz