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Open Data Traffic Cameras in Google Maps

Using Open Data to Visualise Traffic Cameras in QLD. The Traffic Lights are regular traffic cameras and the Blue ones you can click to find live images! There are other...

Listening Quiz for ESL Students (Minimal Pairs)

This project is designed to help learners distinguish words that may sound similar. For example: “right” and “light”, “walk” and “woke”

Visualising Word Stress Pronunciation!

When looking at the pronunciation of English words, it’s useful to visualise it using a chart like this. This tool simply uses Chart.js to visualise English words. The data for...

Auto-generated Word Scrambler Puzzle!

One exercise I use to encourage correct spelling when learning words is word scrambler puzzles. The only problem is that I find myself frequently formatting and thinking about the order...

Visualise your location history as a heatmap in Google Maps API!

Upon checking my old blogs, I realised that Google Fusion Tables is going to be decommissioned in December of 2019. A difficult thing about using web services is that they...